Prepare To Be Boarded…

My sister and her girls will be coming to visit on the 21st and we’ll be going to my mother’s house for Christmas.  But the day after we’ll all come back here to my house along with one of my aunts who wants to see the house.  This means that there will be seven people and one dog in this house for a few days starting on the 26th.  This leaves me 17 days to get everything ready.  I’ve ordered china and silverware from Ace Mart in preparation for being able to feed everyone (I have barely enough stuff to handle four people for one meal, provided we don’t have a lot of items on the menu smile ).

I’m also trying to decide whether to do any Christmas decorations.  The 32-inch miniature fiber-optic tree that looked OK in my old place looks pretty puny in here.  I just don’t think I want a full sized tree, though.  As for lights on the outside of the house and stuff in the yard, I’m not sure I have the energy to mess with it.  If I get a burst of energy this weekend I might consider it (although replacing the gate on the fence may take precedence).


  1. Kevin White says:

    Nah, it’s going to be pretty chilly this weekend.

  2. You have an excellent point.  And since the dog will have to stay inside for at least 10 days after she gets spayed on Friday, I can procrastinate the fence repair for a while.