The Bigger Hammer Technique
I have to admit that there have been times recently when I’ve been sorely tempted to do this:
George Doughty hung his latest hunting trophy on the wall of his Sportsman’s Bar and Restaurant. Then he went to jail.
The problem was the trophy was Doughty’s laptop computer.
He shot it four times, as customers watched, after it crashed once too often.
After one too many times listening to my laptop swap memory simply to open a new window (or even the damn Start menu) I might respond in a similar fashion. It’s like swimming in molasses.
As a public service reminder, though, I should caution against shooting your computer in a public place. Take the computer to a suitable location where it is safe (and legal) to discharge a firearm. Otherwise, like Mr. Doughty, you may be facing some annoying charges.
Link via The Volokh Conspiracy.