Sue Happy

Allow me to call your attention to MELISSA S. CONNELLY and LAURENCE B. STANTON, who intitiated a lawsuit against Palm and a number of computer manufacturers, alleging that a number of Palm organizers could collect Electro Static Discharge (ESD) which damaged the serial ports of computers without sufficient protection.  As the owner of a Palm Vx I just received notice of a settlement in the class action case. 

I can understand someone being frustrated when static electricity kills one of their electronic devices.  However, it should be common knowledge that electronic devices are sensitive to static discharge.  Further, that sensitive devices are subject to destruction by a large enough static discharge.  I’ve been zapped a number of times when taking my Palm out of its cradle.  So far, it hasn’t hurt the computer or the Palm itself.  But if it had, I wouldn’t sue over it.  I just accept that this is one of the prices we pay for the convenience of these electronic devices.  I’ve even taken personal responsibility (what a concept!) for the health of my electronic devices by purchasing and using a humidifier.  Maintaining sufficient humidity levels will prevent static discharge.  (Not to mention dry skin…)

Now, there are computer systems that wouldn’t be fried by the same discharge as the ones alleged to be problematic in the complaint.  But just because some computer makers provide greater static protection doesn’t seem to me to justify suing the manufacturer.  A lot of these PCs are the lower-end ones, where it can be expected that you won’t get all the features of a top-of-the-line system.  There are tradeoffs in every product design decision.  It’s probably possible to design a system that could withstand any static discharge that would be expected in a home environment.  But what would the price be for such a system?  Would it be possible to include such features on that $299 PC that people clamor for?

While the plantiffs may get some kind of payment out of this, the only winners I see are the lawyers, who usually end up with substantial payments for their troubles.  Ultimately, all of the rest of us will pay for this in higher prices for PCs and Palm PDAs.


  1. Full Auto says:

    Hey Aubrey,
    I’ve endured 2 hard drive failures in the last 4 months.  One on my personal laptop, a Compaq Armada, and one on a company desktop unit both happening at my house.  My house is admittedly a static discharge paradise.  You’ve got me wondering if this is not a coincidence.  Aside from a humidifier, got any other ideas?

  2. The other thing to consider is the condition of the power feeding your computers.  If there are fluctuations in the power it can have an adverse effect on computers (especially voltage spikes).  Spikes can come from a number of sources both outside and inside the house. 

    If you aren’t already using a UPS, you should consider getting one that has power conditioning in addition to battery backup.  These types are a little more expensive, but they can correct for over and under voltage conditions and prevent spikes from getting to your PC.

  3. susan says:

    we were affected by that problem but never received a copy of the settlement.
    would you forward to me please?
    thanks very much

  4. Susan,

    There’s a copy of the settlement notice at the link in the post (or go here: