Sometimes It Goes Too Far

I saw this and I thought that my head was going to explode.  Between this one and the other radio show that was encouraging its listeners to have sex in public places, I think some of these radio shows are going way too far.  In this case, the host called up a woman early in the morning (while she was sick) and pretended to be a doctor, giving her the news that a previous boyfriend had an STD and that she might have it.  He then proceeded to ask her questions about her sex life.  It was only after he started getting more and more personal with the questions that she caught on that he might not actually be a doctor.  To make matters worse, they used her real name on the air. 

I hadn’t encountered anything this hideous before, but I gave up on morning radio shows a while back.  It was one of the things that drove me to XM Radio.  I got tired of the mean-spirited pranks and the smarmy, snotty “personalities”. 

I’m always a bit wary of lawsuits, given their frequent abuse, but I will definitely assert that this was an evil and stupid thing to do.  I guess in this case if I were on the jury I’d definitely want to punish the show’s host and probably the station for allowing him to do this to an unsuspecting person.  But then that’s just an emotional reaction.  I’m not familiar with the law in this area, although I don’t think I buy the station’s assertion that they should get away with it because it’s protected speech.  They should remember that the First Amendment only goes so far.  Did they have a right to do this?  Probably.  Were they justified in doing it.  Hell, NO!  Just because you can say it, doesn’t mean that you should.  We have the right to say just about anything we like in this country, but that doesn’t shield us from the consequences (i.e. the responsibility that goes with the right).

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