Pimp Blimp

As I was working in the back yard yesterday I heard engines overhead, but they didn’t seem to be moving very fast.  Looking up I noticed a blimp coming over the house, but it wasn’t like any blimp I’ve ever seen before.  I went into the house to grab my camera and by the time I’d gotten back out it wasn’t over the house anymore.  Fortunately, I was able to zoom in and get a decent picture of it. 

For your viewing pleasure, I present the pimp blimp:  (click for supersize)

This definitely isn’t your father’s Goodyear Blimp…


  1. Roger Ritter says:

    That gasbag was down here in the Austin area, also.  Apparently the decor is the result of a contest where kids got to draw color schemes for the thing.  I guess sort of a “Pimp my Blimp” for the younger set.

  2. Roger,

    Thanks for the info.  It was starting to bug me as to why that thing was painted like that.  I did a bit of searching on Google, but didn’t find anything relevant.