Evil Bastard

I’d like to find the bastard that did this and do the same thing to him (registration may be required for that link).

Fort Worth police are investigating the apparent torture death of a dog.

A construction worker at the former Bank One Tower on Taylor Street downtown found the animal Tuesday morning. The dog had been skinned and left to die.

It’s odd, but in some ways I find the abuse of an animal worse than that of a person.  Don’t misunderstand.  I’m not turning into some kind of animal-rights PETA-head.  Maybe it’s got more to do with my ambivalence towards people than it does with animals in particular.  It may also have to do with the idea that most dogs are trusting of people and never have a chance of defending themselves against the scum who would do something like this.


  1. Full Auto says:

    Sick sick sick bastard

  2. Kevin White says:

    Aubrey, I know just where you’re coming from. A couple years ago, there was a kitten who was set on fire on a grill by two teenagers. Two vegan friends of mine thought I was being a bit hypocritical—I eat meat, after all, so how can I be angry about the death of a cat and give no thought to the death of a cow? And my answer is that they probably have a point, but it’s still how I feel.

    “Animal rights” and “animal welfare” are two different things. Just because I don’t agree with much of what PETA does doesn’t mean stories like this don’t piss me off.