
After all that work to get this weblog using Expression Engine, I go and let it sit here for most of a week without posting anything.  It’s akin to getting a shiny new toy and just letting it sit on a shelf, gathering dust.

Of course, part of it has been that I have a set of deliverables due on Monday that have been looming over me for a while now.  Unfortunately, my management had several “emergency” requests last week that took up time that would have otherwise been spent on this work.  Since they’d stolen several days from my work on the deliverables I asked for more time to complete this work and was denied, meaning that I had to work extra hours to make up for it.  It irks me a bit when they do this kind of crap, since the deliverables are some bureaucratic nonsense that don’t add any value.  They’re just check marks on some checklist somewhere.  If they were something that added value for the customer, I’d understand not moving the deadline.  Heck, the deadline was arbitrary anyhow, based on the estimate I’d given them for the number of hours it’d take to complete and assuming that I’d be able to work on it half-time.  They’d already moved it several times as they gave me other tasks that were more important.

By the time I’d finished work, walked the dog, and dealt with everything else I just wasn’t interested in writing.  Instead, I got wrapped up in a bit of PHP coding.  It’s kind of addictive in that you can’t stop until everything is just right, although there will always be little tweaks to make.  I think I’ve finally got a handle on the work now, though, and will have everything wrapped up by EOD Monday without having to work the weekend, which is nice since my birthday is Sunday.


  1. Kevin White says:

    First of all, happy birthday! Is it the big “three-five”? (Am I close?)

    I don’t know, there’s something to be said for letting the shiny new toy sit for just a bit after acquiring it…

    I also know what you mean about the endless tweaks to the style sheet and formatting of your blog. I spent days trying to get things “just right” on my blog, and then had a vast list of things I never got to as well. (Those were the “good ole” days when I had ample time; now I’m working 72 hours/week plus studying for the “7”).

    It’s tough to find time or motivation to blog during those rough spots, I know.

  2. Kevin,

    You almost got it.  I’ll be 34 on Sunday.