Posts belonging to Category Police State

Am I ‘Anti-American’?

Joseph Sobran has an interesting article ( about all those people who have accused him of being ‘Anti-American’.

I don’t always agree with his views (too much preaching), but this time he’s right on target.  Some of us don’t agree with our government or what is being done in our name.  He makes a good argument that perhaps we’re more ‘American’ than our disparagers.

Brave New World: The Panopticon Society

Deborah Pierce has an interesting article in the Seattle Press detailing how our society is moving towards the Panopticon as a model.  This is dangerous stuff.  Who decides what is normal?  What happens if today’s definition of normal is tomorrow’s definition of dangerous?

Think it can’t happen here?  Ask Americans of Japanese descent who were living in the United States in 1941.